A special issue on ethics has now been published in the journal Visual Methodologies.
Edited by Marilys Guillemin, Susan Cox, Deborah Warr, and myself, the special issue brings together articles that discuss various ethical challenges researchers have faced while conducting research using visual methods such as video recordings, photo elicitation, and participant-generated drawings. Authors in this special issue come from a range of disciplinary backgrounds. The issue includes an article that discusses key issues we identified in our project, Enabling Socially Inclusive and Ethical Visual Methodologies: Waycott, J., Guillemin, M., Cox, S. M., Warr, D., Drew, S., & Howell, C. (2015). Re/formulating Ethical Issues for Visual Research Methods from the Ground Up. Visual Methodologies, 3(2), 4-15.
July 2017
Dr Jenny Waycott, Associate Professor, School of Computing & Information Systems, The University of Melbourne
Contact: jwaycott @ unimelb.edu.au Twitter: @jlwaycott |